Exodus 16


Chapters 16

Group Questions 

  • What is a praise or testimony you have from this past week?

  • What is your least favorite food?

  • What is your favorite food?

Text Questions                       

  1. What does God want us to know about His provision?

  2. Read Exodus 16:1-3

  3. What stuck out to you?

  4. What is the problem?

  5. How are the Hebrew people reacting?

  6. Read Exodus 16:4-8

  7. What stuck out to you?

  8. What does God tell Moses?

  9. What does it mean that God is going to test them?

  10. Read Exodus 16:9-16

  11. What stuck out to you?

  12. How does God respond to the Isrealites complaining?

  13. What does God supply for them?

  14. How does God reveal Himself?

  15. Read Exodus 16:17-20

  16. What stuck out to you?

  17. What were the people told not to do?

  18. What did some of the people do?

  19. How did Moses respond to their disobedience? 

  20. Read Exodus 16:21-30

  21. What stuck out to you?

  22. What instructions were the people given?

  23. Did everyone obey the instructions for the sabbath?

  24. Read Exodus 16:31-36

  25. What stuck out to you?

  26. What instructions did God give Moses and why?

  27. What did Moses have them do?

  28. How does the chapter end?

Questions to consider 

  • What stuck out to you the most from this chapter?

  • What do you think the Mana represented?

  • What is the importance of the Sabbath?

  • What life application can we take from this chapter?

  • What do we learn about God in this chapter?

  • How is the chapter connected to Jesus?


  • Thank God for providing our needs

  • Commit to thanking God daily 

  • Regularly feed on God’s Word 

  • Confess any sin in your life

  • Reject your flesh and follow the Holy Spirit   


Exodus 17


Exodus 15