Exodus 15
Chapters 15
Group Questions
What is a praise or testimony you have from this past week?
What is your favorite style of music?
Who is your favorite musical artist or band?
Text Questions
What does God want us to know about music and singing?
Read Exodus 15:1-3
What stuck out to you?
How does the chapter begin?
What do they sing about the Lord?
What claims do they make about the Lord?
Read Exodus 15:4-10
What stuck out to you?
What did they sing about the Egyptian army?
Read Exodus 15:11-13
What stuck out to you?
What do they sing about God’s comparison to false god’s?
Read Exodus 15:14-16
What stuck out to you?
What do they sing about the surrounding armies?
Read Exodus 15:17-18
What stuck out to you?
What do they sing about their future?
Read Exodus 15:19-21
What stuck out to you?
Who is the prophetess Miriam and what did she do?
Read Exodus 15:22-25
What stuck out to you?
What happened in Marah?
Read Exodus 15:26-27
What stuck out to you?
What promise does God give them?
How does the chapter end?
Questions to consider
What stuck out to you the most from this chapter?
How did God want the Hebrews to teach their children? Why?
What do we learn about God in this chapter?
How important is singing to God to you?
Do you have a song for God on your heart?
How is the chapter connected to Jesus?
Thank God for music and singing
Commit to God’s Will
Sing to the Lord a new song
Confess any sin in your life
Reject your flesh and follow the Holy Spirit